Indian Lake Christian Camp

Youth Retreat

Calling all Middle and High Schoolers!! This weekend retreat is just for you! Join us for a weekend of fun, friends, self discovery and worship! It might be cold outside, but we are going to warm things up with Groundwork, our theme for 2025! We are learning the basics of faith and fertilizing the soil.

The cost is $95 per person and includes dinner Friday, breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday. All crafts, activities and materials are included! There is a Saturday only option for $45 for those that are not able to spend the night. This option is from 9am- campfire Saturday night.

Don’t forget to pack a twin sized sheet for the bunks, pillow, blanket or sleeping bag, and Bible. Please plan for the weather, the cabins have heat, but plan to be outside most of the time.

The weekend retreat will have camp activities like slingshots, archery, and hiking (weather permitting)! And will include fire-side chats, open mic night, hot chocolate bar and more! It will also include devotion time, small group discussions, and a Sunday morning church service.

Check-in is at 5pm on Friday night followed by dinner at 6pm, Praise and Worship and campfire time. Saturday morning breakfast will be at 9am, then Chapel time, and free time options (crafts and camp activities), followed by lunch, small group time and more free time options. Then it’s dinner time, Devotions, Praise and Worship, group games and campfire. Sunday with start with early devotions, breakfast and a 10am church service. Check-out will be at 12:00 pm.