

Indian Lake is a non-denominational Christian Camp serving the Mid-Atlantic region for over 56 years.  At Indian Lake campers are taught core principles found in the Bible, in a fun and exciting way that challenges them.  All are welcome to attend.  All programming and activities take place on the Indian Lake campus which includes a baseball field, outdoor basketball court, sand volleyball court, gaga pit, archery and slingshot range, open-air chapel, multiple cabins, dining hall, and hiking/walking trails.  We at Indian Lake value certain things which are made a priority during your camper's time at camp:

Biblical Teaching

Indian Lake values strong biblical teaching at camp.  The Bible is not only taught, it is also experienced!  Campers quickly learn there is one Almighty God who loves them and wants a personal relationship with them through His Son Jesus Christ!  The volunteers and staff are all here to share that love and message with all who attend.


The fun never stops at Indian Lake.  Following Jesus was meant to be fun and Indian Lake strives to provide each camper with a camp experience they will never forget.  Each week of camp is designed with activities and events specifically for that age group.


Indian Lake understands when you send your camper to camp you are entrusting us with one of the greatest gifts you have.  For that reason we value safety at a very high standard.  We have created a very specific set of rules for campers, staff, and guests of Indian Lake to make sure we have a safe environment for anyone who steps foot on our campus.


Indian Lake works to foster relationships that will last long past the end a week of camp.  Campers who attend a week of camp at Indian Lake have the opportunity to see the same students year after year.  Each week of camp focuses on the importance of deep relationship.  We do this through integrating small groups into each week, and having a camper to leader ratio of 3:1.  We really get to know your camper!

Statement of Faith

As Christ Followers, Indian Lake Christian Camp strives to teach and model a biblically based theology and to mature in our Christian faith and understanding of God and His work in a community of grace. The following Statement of Faith identifies the essential Biblical truths, which we wholeheartedly believe, teach, and obey as fundamental to our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We also understand there are non-essential, broader doctrinal issues that can have a range of interpretations within the Christian community and believe we should grant one another grace in interpretations of these nonessential beliefs.

Our Beliefs:

  1. We believe in one God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  2. Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God, who died for our sins and arose from the dead.
  3. Jesus was born fully human and fully divine, conceived of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary.
  4. The Bible is God's inspired Word and is the divine authority by which Christians are called to live. We believe that both the Old and New Testaments are inspired by God.
  5. Jesus died and was buried and rose again from the dead on the third day.
  6. Those accepting Christ should repent of sin, confess their faith, and be baptized into Him.
  7. Baptism by immersion demonstrates our faith and obedience while it depicts our union with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection.
  8. We are devoted to the cause of Christian unity, and express this in part by working with Churches and Christians as led by the Spirit and in accordance with the Scriptures for the sake of Christ's work.
  9. Jesus Christ will one day return to earth and reign forever as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

We desire that each person coming into contact with this ministry will:

  • Accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior
  • Grow in their faith and Christian character development
  • Establish the priorities of prayer, Bible study, and Christian fellowship while associating with a local church.
  • Devote their lives in service to our Lord Jesus at home and abroad.

We will continue to emphasize ministries to youth.

Camp is not an event intended to be experienced in isolation. It is part of a process in the life of a young person.  Support churches provides us with the partnership necessary to ensure that each participant at camp comes with a support network that will be there long after the camp is over, to disciple and grow these kids into committed followers of Christ.

Since Indian Lake Christian Camp is non-denominational, we can reach across denominational lines to bring Christ’s body together.

Download Statement of Faith

Meet the Camp Board

The current board members for Indian Lake Christian Camp are Chris Hill - President, Denise McNew - Vice President, JJ Hill - Secretary, Scott Fitzpatrick - board member, Russ Bohart - board member. 

Chris and JJ Hill working at camp since 2016

Chris and JJ helped reopen camp in 2016 and are working to make improvements and upgrades to camp every year. Chris is President of the Camp Board and JJ works as the Executive Director of camp and is the Board Secretary. Together they have 3 kids that have all worked at camp! Chris, JJ, an their 3 kids have invested countless hours into camp to build it into what it is today. Together they oversee all the maintenance, upkeep, remodels and refurbishing of buildings, maintaining the website, setting up and running registration, running camp promotions, and social media, coordinating rentals, organizing volunteers, and managing every aspect of how camp operates on a daily basis.

Denise McNew Board Vice President

Denise has been on the board since 2017.  She oversees the programming and curriculum at camp.  She is a certified teacher and loves to see kids learn and grow!  Denise works year-round to write the curriculum for the 8 weeks of summer camp and helps with special programs and events.  She teaches and runs our Homeschooling program on a weekly basis during the school year.  Denise received her Master’s in Education in 2001 and has been teaching since 1995. She has volunteered with kids' ministry at Mountain Christian Church since 2006.  Denise has a passion for theater and has been involved in children's dance and theater productions since 1998.  She has been the Dean of our Drama Camp week for the past 4 years.  Denise is also our camp representative to Angel Tree Camps which works with Angel Tree to provide scholarships to children whose parent(s) are incarcerated.  

Scott Fitzpatrick Camp Board Member

Scott Fitzpatrick is our newest Board Member voted onto the Board in 2022, he excited for the opportunity to serve on the board and has had a passion for Indian Lake ever since his daughters attended the camp 11 years ago. His experience as youth leader for over 2 decades, serving in his church, and working at a business he started in college gives Scott a unique perspective and problem-solving mindset. Scott enjoys family time with his wife, Holly, daughters, Hailey and Sydney and often you will find him hiking, kayaking and anything outdoors in the midst of creation. 

Russ Bohart Camp Board Member

Russ has been on the Board for camp since 2017.  He is the camp’s official wood splitter!  He also provides the hay and wagon for fall hayrides.  Russ is also an Elder at Fork Christian Church.  Russ has been a part of camp for several years including being a counselor and Dean for weeks of camp since 2013.  Russ is a certified facilitator and helps camp on evenings and weekends for rental groups and during summer camp.  Russ helps organize work days with volunteer groups.

Meet the Staff

My name is Kaedyn Scruggs. Indian Lake Christian Camp has been part of my life since I went here as a camper in 6th Grade, and I have been actively helping the camp with its mission since 2017… Over 7 years, which is crazy to me. I left my job not long ago to be at camp full-time as a missionary, raising my own support and preparing to take the role of Camp Director. JJ Hill is not going far; she has always been a massive support in my life and one of my greatest mentors. I would not be the person I am today without her. That said, she wants to move into a different role at camp helping expand our reach to the community, and with her and the board's blessing, I have been asked to step into her role.
I have a mission letter that I will link at the bottom of the page that goes more in-depth into my goal here at camp, Which is what camp's goal has always been: Building Relationships between Christ, each other, and nature. I am here listening for God to lead us in our journey. Donations are necessary for me to continue doing the work I do, Monthly donations are the biggest contribution to my mission as they add up quickly and allow me to budget my finances even better. Consider a commitment of $20, $30, or $50 a month and know that you will be kept in the loop as every dollar makes a huge impact!

To all worried about a change in leadership, JJ and I want you to know, while there may be a new face and new ideas. We have the same mission.

Cool Facts about Kaedyn:

Are you Married? > Yes! I have a beautiful wife named Anna!

Any Kids? > We hope to get to raise a child soon. As many already know, our daughter Shelby did not make it and was born asleep in Christ April 5, 2024.

Any Pets? > Yes! I have two dogs named Sniffs and Sophie and a cat named Trixie

Where do you live? > Anna and I have actually lived at camp for over three years! 

If you could change anything about camp what would it be? > Hmmmmmm perhaps a lake!?!

If you have any other questions for me feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]

Support Kaedyn's Mission by hopping over to the donation page and donating to Indian lake Christian camp for with a note saying it’s for Kaedyn’s mission fund 

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Click Here To View My Mission Letter